Zuchinni Pesto Pasta With Kelp Noodles

This Zuchinni Pesto Pasta With Kelp Noodles Recipe is my go-to when in a hurry, its super filling, great for lunch or dinner and everyone loves it.

I like to add Kelp Noodles to this recipe as Kelp Noodles are carbohydrate free (great for those on the KetoOS or Ketagenic diet), they are calorie free, gluten free and have the benefits of minerals from the kelp.

You can get Kelp Noodles from any good health store or my online store here.

This recipe is also part of Week 1 Meal Plan on the 28 Day Rawsome Transformation Program.

I just had to share it with you!

Ingredients (makes a generous Serves 2):

  • 4 zuchinni, spiralised or peeled to create pasta like ribbons

  • 1 packet kelp noodles, drained, and roughly chopped

  • 1/2 bunch basil (I like to use a whole bunch ‘cos I’m addicted to basil)

  • Juice of one lemon

  • 1T ACV

  • 1T nutritional yeast

  • 1/2C pine nuts
  • 1/4C cashews

  • few drops stevia

  • 1/4C – 1/2C olive oil – to your liking really
  • 1/2t himalayan salt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • handful cherry tomatoes and spinach to garnish / serve


Place zuchinni spiralised and kelp noodles in a bowl and set aside.

In a blender combine nuts, garlic, salt, lemon juice, ACV, olive oil, stevia, nutritional yeast and basil and blend until just combined. Adjust to taste. Stir through noodle mix and garnish with chopped cherry tomatoes and spinach. Serve and enjoy with love. <3

PS. If you would like to experience what its like to live the raw vegan lifestyle, detox and gain more energy for 4 weeks on our 28 Day Program, all recipes, meal plans shopping lists, videos & bonus material, plus our community on the private Facebook Group page included, jump on board. You can start anytime!

Much raw love! <3

PS. Have you seen my Salted Pecan Caramel Fat Bombs Recipe Video yet? Check it out here.

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