Roasted Beetroot, Green Lentil, Coriander & Fetta Salad

Roasted Beetroot, Green Lentil, Coriander & Fetta Salad

This roasted beetroot, green lentil, coriander & fetta salad contains key ingredients to help support your body to remove heavy metals and other toxins from your body, such as:

Beetroot – Supports the liver while enhancing its ability to remove toxins from the body.

Leafy Greens – Contains chlorophyll, a potent antioxidant that supports liver function & detoxification.

Red Cabbage – Sulphur rich and contains indole-3-carbinol which helps the liver remove toxins from the body.

Coriander – Contains compounds that bind to heavy metals, assisting in their removal from tissues.

Lentils – Rich with soluble fiber, they act like a sponge and binds to waste stored in the bile, ready for elimination.

Fermented Onions – fermenting foods helps the body remove heavy metals & other toxins by the natural beneficial microorganisms formed during the process. Check out my recipe for those HERE.

This is recipe is a great way to showcase how you can start to use food as medicine to help your body stay healthy every day:

Serves 4.

Ingredients for the dressing:

  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1T Dijon mustard
  • 2T Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1T runny honey
  • S&P to taste

Ingredients for the salad:

  • 3 large beetroots, cut into cubes
  • 1/3 cup (80ml) olive oil
  • 200g Puy or other French-style lentils
  • Half a bunch coriander, chopped
  • 1C sliced red cabbage
  • 2C mixed leaf greens
  • 1 cube vege stock
  • 2C water
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • 1/2C mixed sprouts
  • ½ bunch chopped coriander
  • 150g marinated feta, drained
  • Optional to garnish: Fermented Red Onions



Preheat oven to 180°C. Place cubed beetroot onto a baking paper lined baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and season with S&P. When roasted till tender, about ½ hr, remove from oven and set aside.

Rinse your lentils under cold running water, then place them in a medium-sized saucepan along with the bay leaf, 2C water and vege stock cube. Bring to boil, then simmer, stirring, approx 20 mins or until just tender. Drain well, and remove and discard the bay leaf. Season with S&P, then set aside to cool.

To make the dressing, whisk everything together in a bowl, then season with S&P. Combine the sprouts and lentils in a bowl, dress with half the dressing.

To assemble, spread a third of the lentil mixture over the bottom of a large salad bowl, scatter over a third of the beetroot, mixed leaf, red cabbage, sprouts and a third of the feta.

Repeat until all ingredients are used up, finishing with coriander, feta and fermented red onions if using.

Drizzle over remaining dressing, then serve.


Enjoy eating this delicious salad for brain and gut health! <3


For more amazing benefits of fermented foods head to my Blog about it HERE.


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Ready to enjoy more of feeling good with foods that feed your good gut bacteria? Start HERE with my 7 Day Raw Food Plan.


Enjoy! 😘


❤️ Follow for more on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

Roasted Beetroot Green Lentil Salad

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