Gut Loving Goodness Salad Recipe

This Gut Loving Goodness Salad Recipe gives you all the ingredients that feed your good gut bacteria, and includes your secret weapon to gut health – Sauerkraut.

If you don’t have Sauerkraut at home, you can make a simple Sauerkraut using my recipe HERE.

Ferment for 7 days before making this Gut Loving Goodness Salad, as you will want the Sauerkraut to be teeming with gut loving goodness before adding it in!

Serves 2.


  • 1/2C quinoa – soaked 10 mins, drained, and cook with 2C water, stir until water absorbed

  • pinch turmeric

  • s&p to taste

  • 1T olive oil

  • 1C kale leaves, stalks removed

  • 1C broccoli, chopped into florets

  • 1/4C almonds, chopped and roasted

  • 2C edamame, defrosted

  • Handful torn mint leaves

  • 1 spring onion, sliced

  • 1/2 avocado sliced

  • 1C shredded red cabbage

  • 1/2C red or green fermented sauerkraut (see Recipe HERE)

Salad Dressing (optional):

  • 2T peanut butter

  • 1/4C cashews
  • 1/2 lime juiced

  • 1T sesame oil

  • 1T miso paste

  • 1t fresh ginger
  • Handful dates

  • 1T ACV (apple cider vinegar)

  • Water to blend


Add all salad dressing ingredients to a  blender and blend until smooth. Set aside while you make the salad.

Pre-heat oven to 180°C. On a baking paper lined baking tray, place kale leaves, and broccoli and toss s&p, olive oil through. Roast for 30 mins or or until slightly charred / golden. Remove and set aside.

In a pot with water, place shelled edamame beans, and bring to boil, simmer for 1 minute, remove, drain and set aside.

In a fry pan, head over medium heat and place almonds and dry roast for a few minutes until slightly toasted. Remove and set aside. Allow to cool before roughly chopping.

In your favourite salad bowl, assemble the finely sliced red cabbage, red (or green) sauerkraut, sliced green onion, roasted veges, edamame, mint leaves, turmeric.

Toss to combine and add sliced avocado for garnish. Drizzle over the salad dressing.

Serve and enjoy giving your gut some love! <3


For more amazing benefits of fermented foods head to my Blog about it HERE.


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Ready to enjoy more of feeling good with foods that feed your good gut bacteria? Start HERE with my 7 Day Raw Food Plan.


Enjoy! 😘


❤️ Follow for more on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

Gut Loving Goodness Salad Recipe

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