Ready for Rawsome Action!

Yoghurt Fruit Salad

Well it’s been a crazy 4 weeks to get here but here we are with our brand spanking new website ready for rawsome action with what will hopefully include lots of great information for you on all things raw and more!

We’ve got classes and e-books on offer and I’ll be blogging and emailing and facebooking and twittering!

If you are interested in improving your health, are sick of the diet treadmill, or not being able to lose weight no matter how much you try, or just want to eat consciously and gain more energy and vitality, then this website is for you!

Incorporating raw into your life really does mean you can say goodbye to those food cravings and energy draining foods forever and start enjoying a transformation that is a clearer, shinier, healthier more vibrant and energetic you!

In September we have our first class “How to Get Started on Raw.” This is perfect for you if you are curious or new to raw, or just starting out on raw and want some easy recipes to get you started and gain a basic understanding of the raw food philosophy.

Our next class in October which is sure to be a winner is “Decadent Guilt Free Desserts & Sweets”, all wheat free, dairy free and refined sugar free. Finally you can indulge without guilt or sacrificing on flavour!

In November we have “Raw for Health – Introduction to Sprouting and Fermenting” and “Dehydrator Delights plus Xmas Goodies”  which will be sure to come in handy leading up to the silly season!

Don’t forget to sign up to receive your FREE e-book “How to Stock your Kitchen like a Raw Food Chef” that also includes little gems about going raw.

And if you are ready to take the next step I have some great recipes on offer in “Easy Raw Food Recipes to get you Started” e-book (the picture in this blog is from one of my recipes which includes instructions on how to make your own coconut yoghurt and its super easy!)

Or if you are looking for ways to stay motivated on the path to raw I highly recommend you try my “10 Steps for Raw Success” e-book.

But  most of all I would love to hear from YOU! All feedback is most welcome. What kind of articles would you like to see on this site? What interests you, or what would you like to know more of?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Remember to check out our two tailored raw food diet plans to make your raw food transition simple and successful.

Amanda :-)



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