Gwinganna – A Little Slice of Detox Heaven


We all have crazy busy lives. Early starts, rushing to get to work, stuck in traffic, eating food on the run, and late nights catching up with family, children or the domestic chores, on top of trying to survive financially to make ends meet and emotional daily stressors all occur daily.

Phew. I’m exhausted just writing this.

When are we every truly connected to nature in every moment like we used to be?

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Our pre-historic bodies living in a modern world are suffering.

I certainly feel the effects! Running a business is stressful, I LOVE teaching, inspiring and connecting with people to help them on their raw food journey. This is what drives me. And consuming a mainly raw diet certainly can negate the side effects of stress and modern living.

But the other parts of the business? The marketing, having to know technology inside out, meet targets – pffft, not so driven. And this is my stress.

Stress related diseases are killers. When I started to feel the effects I decided to book myself into Gwinganna.

Its time to de-stress!

Eat Clean

Gwinganna is a luxury resort spa in the Gold Coast hinterland of Australia that is Ecotourism certified with specific retreat packages designed to suit your needs.

Gwinganna encompasses 200 hectares of lush Australian hinterland and rainforest with spectacular valley and ocean views. The name Gwinganna, meaning ‘lookout’, was given to the land by the traditional Aboriginal people who once lived there.

Its the place to go to get back your balance, feel nurtured and supported in doing so, whether you are suffering from illness, grief or going through a life transition.

Detox Time!


I booked in to the 7 Day Detox. Now this detox is not really like the strict detox I am used to aka juice fasts, this one comes complete with three organic meals a day plus snacks with the first three days being vegan and then seafood and chicken. You can opt to continue your vegan option if you choose.

In fact everything at Gwinganna is tailored to suit your specific needs, with a team of professionals on board to do a health check and prescribe your natural supplements to help you on your way to better health and wellness, along with daily health seminars covering different topics there is something in it for everyone.

Depending on your lifestyle, your current diet, you may feel the effects of detoxing on Day 1, 2, 3 or all 3! But there are so many options for treatment on site to help move those detox reactions quickly they are never really a problem.

Each day starts with Qi Gong as the sun rises overlooking the beautiful coastline. Qi Gong is a great way to get your energy or Chi moving and with shoes off and out in nature its the perfect way to connect your body to the earth and get grounded.


Then there are daily bushwalking hikes of varying intensity around the beautiful property to get the heart rate going. Tuck into a beautiful breakfast with your fellow retreaters and choose to do half an hour of optional stretching before more exercise, spin class, boxing, yoga, NIA dance (my favourite) or a swim in the beautiful lap pool are all on offer.

The food was divinely prepared with a lot of the native herbs and edible flowers coming from the local organic garden lovingly cared for by Shelley and her team. Shelley runs tours through the garden daily and you might even get to meet the chinese silky bantams I lovingly renamed disco chicks. They are gorgeous with amazing white fluffy coats and help keep the bugs at bay.


On a side note, the kitchen staff go to great lengths to cater to your requirements, whether you be gluten free, dairy free or other, and will check in with you daily to make sure it meets your requirements.

The afternoons are my favourite at Gwinganna – Dreamtime!


Everything at Gwinganna is done in sync with the natural rhythms of your daily body clock and life, for example morning are more yang and is “doing” and “energy” time, think exercise and movement, whereas afternoon is more yin – resting and relaxing. Something to be said for all those cultures that do siesta’s! So Dreamtime is all about Yin. Remedial massage, lomi lomi, rockupuncture, facials, equine therapy, tarot card reading, reiki, naturopathy, iridology, psychotherapy, Gwinganna’s amazing day spa has a menu as long as a novel!

And it the most challenging part of the day is choosing what to do on the menu.

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Every therapist is top notch so you can rest easy that no matter what you choose you will be transported to a place of bliss.

Or simply choose to read a book, lie by the pool or on the lawn under the clouds, take a sauna or steam room experience.

Each day the seminars covered varying topics on nutrition, stress, and creating better relationships, exercise and more.

Accommodation is top notch and there is something for everyone at Gwinganna.

For me – just getting back to nature, spending time nurturing myself and getting additional support by many of the professionals on board was just what I needed to feel stronger, less stressed and ready to face the world again. With more motivation, more joy and more love.

Gwinganna, I will be back! Find out more about Gwinganna here.

Join hundreds of healthy and happy raw foodists you have successfully graduated from one of my raw food diet plans. Check them out today!

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