Staying raw while travelling always seems challenging as our modern society is still centred around cooked foods and unhealthy food options, throw in a plane flight and it seems | More
How do I find the time for Raw? Recently I posted a question on The Raw Food Kitchen’s Facebook Page: “What are the biggest issues you come up against when | More
You won’t have to panic at the thought of how to make it through all the parties, snacking, nibbling, cooking, entertaining, food gifts, meat eating and weight gain, if you | More
Chia has become a staple in my diet, not only because its such a versatile seed, as I’ve discovered its also extremely good for you, and as such is classed | More
Coconuts and Avocados – what do they have in common? The answer is good fats, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals! Coconuts: Coconuts contain an ingredient called lauric acid which is anti-viral, anti-fungal | More
I’m having a love affair with Cacao. All the girls at work will tell you I have a bit of an obsession. Cacao is pure, raw, unrefined, unprocessed chocolate with | More
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