Amanda’s 10 Top Tips for Staying Raw while Travelling

 Spicy Kale Chips

Staying raw while travelling always seems challenging as our modern society is still centred around cooked foods and unhealthy food options, throw in a plane flight and it seems almost impossible!

But with a little planning you can easily manage travelling and holidays while staying rawish (as we all like to indulge just a little while on holidays don’t we?!)

Here are Amanda’s 10 Top Tips for Staying Raw while Travelling:

1. Pack a plastic or glass pouring jug along with a nut milk bag, a rocket or magic bullet blender and a big bag of almonds. This way you can be soaking and making almond milk in your hotel room!

2. Have a dehydrator day before you travel and get some buckwheat cereal going along with some crackers, mixed nuts, fruit roll ups, kale chips or whatever else you can think of you would like to have to snack on while you are away or on the road. Once you have all your goodies, divide and bag them up into individual portions and seal them up.

3. Buy some raw chocolate bars or raw snack bars to take on the plane and to have as an instant energy hit or treat.

4. Crudites are great to chuck into your handbag, or to bring on the plane as well as a nutritious salad pre-made so if you are travelling around mealtimes you are not going to get caught out feeling hungry with no healthy options in sight.

5. Buy a bottle of Coco-biotic (available to order online at YourDigestion) and pop unopened bottle into your check in luggage. Have twice a day like a shot to keep the good bacteria happy in your tummy.

6. Fruit is the healthiest fast food around so throw an apple or banana into your bag for your travels.

7. When at the hotel and having made your almond milk, pour into a smoothie container and bring with you to the restaurant along with your pre-packaged buckwheat cereal. Find some fruit or other condiments to add to your mix and you are good to go with a healthy breakfast!

8. Always carry a mix of herbal teas with you so you can sip at your leisure. Nothing worse than arriving at your destination to find only instant coffee sachets on offer. Icky.

9. When going through customs ALWAYS declare your food and tell them you are on a special diet and that all the dehydration is a form of preserving the food and everything is sealed.

10. Do some googling before you leave to find your nearest health food store, organic market at your destination so as soon as you get there you can grab some fresh local food and indulge.

For more juicy tips while travelling check out my Bali blog post here.

Do you have some great tips for travelling raw? If so, I’d love to hear from you! Please leave your hot tips in the comments section below.

Transitioning into a raw food diet can be bench ab workout challenge but we have created two fantastic raw food diet plans to support you and make the process simple and easy for you.