Everyone is raving about Kale. Wonder why? Here are 10 Top Reasons on why you should include Kale in your Diet: Good for Digestion: High in fibre, it’s is great for | More
In this video Amanda talks about why she’s doing the Epic 5 Day Juice Fast Challenge! This video diary was done 4 days before J Day. Day 4 before J | More
Here are my top tips on what to do before, during and after a juice fast. These tips should help make your juice fast run as smoothly (and painlessly!) as | More
I’ve written this post – “Juice Fast – The Beginners Guide” to help anyone out there who may have heard of juice fasting but not sure why we should | More
Coconuts and Avocados – what do they have in common? The answer is good fats, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals! Coconuts: Coconuts contain an ingredient called lauric acid which is anti-viral, anti-fungal | More
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