ANZAC Day Raw Lamingtons


This ANZAC Day Raw Lamingtons Recipe is a healthy version of the traditional sugar and fat laden original!

Serving size: approx 25 large squares


Lamington Sponge Ingredients:

  • 3C blanched almonds (soaked overnight)
  • 2C shredded coconut
  • 1/2C raw honey or sweetener of your choice
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 4T coconut oil
  • 1T vanilla extract

 Panna Cotta Ingredients:

  • 1C coconut milk
  • 2T coconut nectar
  • 1/2t vanilla
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 2t agar agar
  • 6t hot boiling water

 Berry Compote Ingredients:

  • 1C frozen mixed berries
  • 1t lemon juice
  • 1t coconut nectar or sweetener of your choice
  • pinch of sea salt

Chocolate Ganache Ingredients:

  • 2C cacao powder
  • 1C coconut syrup or other liquid sweetener of your choice.
  • 1C coconut oil
  • 1/4t sea salt


1. Blend all ingredients for sponge together until smooth.

2. Spread half the mixture over a small square/rectangle cake tin and leave the other half of the mixture to one side.

3. With the panna cotta, do it in two stages. You have to work quickly with agar agar as it solidifies quickly. Add all the ingredients except for the agar agar and water into the blender.

4. In a small bowl, add hot boiling water and agar agar together and whisk until dissolved, then repeat this process. The agar agar needs to be double boiled in order for it to set properly. Add into blender with the rest of the panna cotta ingredients and blend together.

5. Pour over the base sponge and leave to set, should take about 15-20 mins.

6. Blend all ingredients for the berry compote and spread evenly over the top of the panna cotta (to help set it fast put the compote in the freezer for a little first while until it’s not so runny then spread over).

7. Put the whole thing in the freezer and leave for an hour.

8. Add the top layer of the sponge, flatten down. Work carefully as you can push the berry compote too hard, you want a nice even layer over the top.

9. Leave to freeze for an hour.

10. Blend all the ganache ingredients together and put inside a large bowl.

11. Prepare a tray or plate of shredded coconut.

12. Take the Lamington sponge out the freezer, and cut into square pieces, coat the pieces in the ganache (the covering will harden fairly quickly since the coconut oil will react to the cold).

13. Roll in the shredded coconut.

14. After all the squares have been covered, refrigerate for 30mins and enjoy!


Recipe provided by Breeanna Donohoe :)

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