Florentines – Exclusive from the Book!

I love Florentines! In this exclusive recipe from the book, due to be released on 27 August 2015, I share with you how to create a healthier version of the traditional. Loaded with alkalising superfoods.

Serving size: makes 12


  • 1/4C pecans
  • 1/4C walnuts
  • 1/4C lime juice
  • 1C sprouted buckwheat (see below for sprouting instructions)
  • 1/2C currants
  • 1/4C raisins
  • 1/4C goji berries
  • 2/3C chocolate sauce + extra for drizzling (see below for how to make)
  • 1/2C coconut sugar
  • 1T filtered water

Method for sprouting Buckwheat:

Soak 1/2C whole untoasted buckwheat in a nut milk bag submerged in a bowl of filtered water overnight. In the morning rinse under water and hang nut milk bag on a hook to drain. Place a bowl underneath to catch the water. Repeat rinse and drain process twice daily until tails form. To dehydrate sprouted buckwheat, spread out on Paraflexx lined dehydrator tray and dehydrate for approximately 8 hours or until dry. Store in an airtight container until you are ready to use for recipes or eat as a cereal.

Method for making Chocolate:

Makes about 11/2C. You will need: 1/2C cacao powder, 1/2C coconut oil (melted), 1/2C raw coconut nectar or raw agave, 8 drops Medicine Flowers vanilla extract or 1t organic vanilla essence, pinch himalayan crystal salt.

Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Use straight away or store in an air tight container for up to 1 week in pantry or in fridge.

Method for making Florentines:

Combine the nuts, fruit, buckwheat in a bowl. Spoon 1T of chocolate sauce into 12 x 1/3C (80ml) silicon (or lined metal) muffin holes. Top the chocolate with the fruit and nut mixture and place in freezer until set. Mix the coconut sugar with water to form a syrupy paste and drizzle over the set nut mixture. Drizzle with extra chocolate sauce. Pop back in freezer for approximately 10 minutes or until set.

Best eaten cold from fridge or freezer. Delicious!

Love the recipe? Want the book? Grab your copy here!

With love from The Raw Food Kitchen


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