Raw Apricot, Fig & Ginger Buckwheat Crunchies


 I love this Raw Apricot, Fig & Ginger Buckwheat Crunchies recipe, it has become a firm favourite in the house. A nice breakfast dish to have any time of the year and buckwheat is super alkalising and gluten free.

To sprout buckwheat you will need 3C buckwheat. To sprout put buckwheat in a nut milk bag or you can use a cheesecloth or clean chux cloth, just tie it up, immerse the bag in a bowl of filtered water overnight and then drain and rinse twice a day until the tails form. (Usually 2-3 days).


  • 1/2 C dried organic figs, soaked overnight in filtered water and then finely sliced
  • 1C dried organic apricots soaked overnight in filtered water. Reserve the soaking water
  • 1/2 C organic walnuts, soaked overnight in filtered water
  • 1/2C organic pumpkin seeds, soaked overnight in filtered water
  • 1/2C organic sunflower seeds, soaked overnight in filtered water
  • 2 thumbs fresh ginger, roughly chopped
  • juice of 1/2 an organic lemon
  • 2T cinnamon
  • 1t mixed spice
  • 1t dried ginger
  • 1 teaspoon star anise
  • pinch himalayan sea salt
  • 2T dark raw agave syrup
  • 5C sprouted buckwheat (see above for instructions)
  • For serving: 2 fresh figs, sliced in half, extra cinnamon


Drain and rinse the soaked nuts. Crush some of the walnuts up by hand. Put all into a bowl. To the bowl add the drained, sprouted buckwheat, finely sliced figs, lemon juice, salt, all the dried spices and lemon juice. Stir.

In a small blender (a Rocket Blender is ideal for this) add 2/3C of the apricot juice (soaking water) and the soaked apricots, and fresh ginger. Blend until well blended and slightly pasty.

Stir through the buckwheat mix until well combined. Line 2 dehydrator trays with baking paper or paraflexx sheets. Pour half the mix on each tray and smooth out to edges. The mix should be about a couple of mm thick at most.

Dehydrate at 105°F for 10-14 hours. Remove from sheets and break up into chunks and store in air tight container in the pantry. Serve with almond milk (see my video on how easy it is to make almond milk), freshly sliced figs and a dusting of cinnamon.



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