No Bake Almond Butter Blondie Bars

Summer is coming and one thing I love about that is switching to more raw vegan style meals that don’t require slaving over a hot oven, and baking cookies or slices are no exception.

So I came up with this little gem, my No Bake Almond Butter Blondie Bars.

A perfect quick and easy filling treat to have, pack in to kids lunch boxes, use as a post workout snack or just eat on the go.

Sticking to my gluten free, dairy free and good vibes only food you are gonna love these and how they make you feel, they are sooo tasty.

Go get!

Almond Butter No Bake Blondie Bars:


  • 1C almond butter

  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (plant based)

  • 1/2C raw honey or coconut syrup, maple syrup

  • 1C almond pulp leftover from making almond milk or you can use store bought almond flour

  • 1/2C desiccated coconut

  • 1/4C chopped dates

  • 1/4C chopped almonds

  • 1/4C chopped cranberries
  • 1/4C chopped pumpkin seeds
  • 4T coconut oil, melted

  • pinch salt

  • 1t vanilla extract

  • Optional: Melted chocolate for drizzling / topping.


Stir almond butter, honey, vanilla extract together, and then add dry ingredients, stir to combine.

In a baking paper lined baking tray, pour mixture in and press down firmly and so it’s even.

Place in fridge to firm up for 30 minutes.

To make the chocolate, combine equal parts cacao powder, coconut oil, honey, 1t vanilla extract, and a pinch salt over a bain marie.

Melt and stir until combined.

Remove base out of fridge and drizzle the chocolate over the top.. channel your inner Picasso and go crazy!

Or go really decadent, double the quantities and use it like an all over icing.

Place in freezer to set for 10 minutes before slicing.

Enjoy the no bake and no bloat experience!




Want more delicious plant based recipes and tips?


Sign up to me and get your FREE 5 Easy Hacks to Plant Based Eating In Just 5 Days eBook HERE.


Ready to enjoy more of feeling good without gluten and dairy in your life? Start HERE with my 7 Day Raw Food Plan.


Enjoy! 😘


❤️ Follow for more on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

No Bake Almond Butter Blondie Bars

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