Naughty And Nice Valentine’s Day Chocolate Bark

This Naughty & Nice Valentine’s Day Chocolate Bark is a juxtaposition of healthy and naughty.

Bit like a relationship ‘eh?!

I’ve tried to add extra protein in where I can and add some healthy wholefoods.

The rest of the ingredients are just naughty. But hey, it’s in the theme of Valentine’s Day.

Make for you or your loved one.

There’s nothing better than chocolate to express love in the most delicious way!



  • 3C chocolate chips – I used a block of high protein chocolate in the mix too
  • 4T coconut oil
  • 2T smooth peanut butter
  • 1 scoop of vanilla plant based protein powder
  • Water to thin
  • 3/4C chopped marshmallows
  • 1C chopped strawberries
  • 1/2C roasted buckwheat – you can use any roasted crunchy cereal here too
  • 2T crushed meringue
  • Pink or red sprinkles to garnish.



In a bowl, add the peanut butter to the protein powder and add water and stir with a fork until you get a slightly thick but runny consistency. Set aside.

In a bain marie, melt the chocolate with the coconut oil. Stir until smooth.

On a baking paper lined tray, pour out the chocolate to form a rectangle base.

Layer on the chopped strawberries.

Next add the chopped marshmallows.

Sprinkle over the roasted buckwheat.

Next, pour the peanut butter & protein mix over the top.

Finish with another layer of chocolate.

Lastly add the pink sprinkles, and a few extra buckies or meringue if you desire for garnish on top.

Place in freezer to set for minimum 10 minutes or overnight.

When ready to eat, cut into squares or break apart for a more rustic vibe and dive in!


  • Ready to enjoy more of feeling good after Valentine’s Day indulgences with delicious food that will help cleanse and detox? Start HERE with my 7 Day Raw Food Plan.
  • Want more delicious plant based recipes and tips? Sign up to me and get your FREE 5 Easy Hacks to Plant Based Eating In Just 5 Days eBook HERE.


Enjoy! 😘


❤️ Follow for more on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

Naughty And Nice Valentine's Day Chocolate Bark

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