Cashew Yoghurt Recipe

Ditch the dairy and upgrade with this deliciously creamy, so easy to make Cashew Yoghurt!

This Cashew Yoghurt is way better for your body than store bought, no additives or fillers, lots of good fats, less acidic, & a ton more bio-available good bacteria!

Makes 1L/ 32oz


  • 2C cashews – soaked 20 minutes, drained, rinsed

  • 2 capsules of pro-biotic – make sure it has lactobacillus acidophilus in it

  • Filtered water to blend


Add cashews to a high powered blender and add just enough water to cover the cashews to blend.

Blend until smooth. If mixture too thick add small amounts of water at a time until you achieve your desired thickness.

You don’t want it to be too runny if you want a nice creamy result.

Transfer to a clean 1L / 32 oz mason jar and stir through pro-biotic powder (remove from capsules).

Put lid on jar and leave in a warmish place covered with a tea towel and culture for 8-48 hours.

If you have a fermentation lid you can use that here and pump out any remaining oxygen.

How long it takes to culture will depend on temperature of room.

You will know its ready when bubbles have formed through the yoghurt.

Once you have the bubbles, flavour up with your desired flavour, think Mango, Mixed Berry, Nuts, Raisins, Cinnamon, pinch of Stevia, what ever takes your fancy!

Then transfer to a fridge, will last for 5 – 15 days.

Delish on it’s own, on your cereal for breakfast, use in baking, or in smoothies.

Enjoy with ❤️

Find me on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

Email me if you are ready to heal your gut in 4 easy steps, and I can put you on the waitlist for my next group kick off of the 4 Week Gut Makeover Program.

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