Blue Zone Longevity Salad

Have you seen the Blue Zone Longevity doco on Netflix yet?

If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out, it’s called Live to 100: The Secret of the Blue Zones.

In the Blue Zones, where people live the longest, plant-based foods play a significant role.

After watching it I was totally inspired to make this Blue Zone Longevity Salad which contains many of the key ingredients the Blue Zoners eat for their longevity.

Make this Blue Zone Longevity Salad and live like a Blue Zoner!

Ingredients for the Blue Zone Longevity Salad:

  • 500 g turkey steaks
  • 1 large sweet potato, diced
  • 250g purple brussels sprouts – quartered
  • 1C broccoli florets, steamed
  • 1/2C green beans, sliced thinly across the width
  • 1/4C sprouted sunflower seeds (soak 4 hours in filtered water and drain, rinse)
  • 1/4C chopped dried cranberries
  • 1/4 red onion, finely sliced
  • 1/2C fetta, crumbled
  • bunch fresh basil, roughly chopped
  • 2-3C mixed leafy greens
  • s&p, olive oil & maple syrup for seasoning
  • 2T cranberry jam


Pre heat oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper, and place diced sweet potato and brussels sprouts onto the tray. Season with s&p, a splash of olive oil, and a sprinkle of maple syrup. Toss to combine.

Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden and crispy.

While that is baking, grab a stainless steel bowl, add the turkey steaks, the cranberry jam, some s&p, a splash of olive oil and toss to combine. Set aside to marinate for 10 minutes while you build the salad.

To a big, wide, flat base salad bowl, add the mixed leafy greens, basil, broccoli, red onion, and toss to combine. Sprinkle the green beans over and then the dried cranberries. Scatter the sunflower seeds over as well.

Heat a large fry pan over high heat and add the turkey steaks. Cook 4-5 mins each side until slightly golden on outside. Transfer to cutting board and slice up. Allow to cool slightly before adding to the salad.

We want the salad to be served slightly warm, but not have the warm ingredients so hot it wilts all the greens.

When the sweet potato and brussels sprouts are ready, remove from oven, allow to cool slightly before adding to the salad.

Lastly, sprinkle over crumbled fetta and chopped dried cranberries.

Drizzle with extra maple syrup, olive oil  & s&p for garnish.


Hot tip: Sweet potatoes featured a lot in some of the Blue Zones so load up!


Want more delicious plant based recipes and tips?


Sign up to me and get your FREE 5 Easy Hacks to Plant Based Eating In Just 5 Days eBook HERE.


Ready to start living like a Blue Zoner? Your longevity plan starts HERE with my 7 Day Raw Food Plan.


Enjoy! 😘


❤️ Follow for more on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

Longevity Salad

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