Blue Lagoon Smoothie Bowl with Blue Majik

This delicious Blue Lagoon Smoothie Bowl is made with a unique superfood called e3 Live Blue Majik. It is kind of like Spirulina, but with unique properties and is a fresh water algae.

It improves joint health, reduces inflammation, it’s high in antioxidants, improves memory, increases PEA (the love hormone!) in the body, its high in protein, essential fatty acids and loads more!

It’s wonderful blue colour allows you to go crazy with your recipes!

PS. FREE shipping here for my community if you want to purchase e3Live Blue Majik! Simply pop in the code E3TRFK at checkout!

Ingredients (serves 2):

  • 2C coconut water (from young coconut)

  • 2C coconut flesh (from young coconut)

  • 2t e3Live Blue Majik

  • 1t maca powder

  • 1T coconut oil

  • 1-2T chia seeds

  • 1t Medicine Flower vanilla extract
  • pinch salt

  • Optional: 1 frozen banana

  • To garnish: Chopped nuts, freeze dried mandarin (optional), blueberries, raspberries, goji berries, cacao nibs, shredded coconut.


Place all ingredients in blender except garnishing ingredients and blend until smooth. Adjust to taste. 

Pour into breakfast bowls and garnish with your toppings of choice. Enjoy!

If you don’t have BlueMajik you could try other colours – mango, dragonfruit, or try a green Spirulina bowl.

For tips on how to open a coconut check out my video here.

Much raw love! <3

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