Apple & Walnut Maple Syrup Chia Pot

This Apple & Walnut Maple Syrup Chia Pot is so easy to make and super filling to have for breakfast.

This one is high in protein as yes I’m still on the health kick / kilo loss journey from the holidays!

If you’re into pre or post workout snacks or breakfast ideas that hit your protein goals give this a try!

Recipe adapted from @raizzzy.


  • 2T chia seeds
  • 1/4C almond milk
  • 1 scoop plant based protein powder (I use vanilla @pranaon)
  • 1/2t cinnamon
  • pinch salt
  • 1C low fat yoghurt / coconut yoghurt
  • 1/2 diced apple
  • 1/2t cinnamon
  • 1/4C chopped walnuts
  • 1T maple syrup
  • 4T filtered water
  • 1/2t butter


Place chia seeds into a bowl and add almond milk, cinnamon, whisk to combine. Stir in protein powder & yoghurt. Set aside while you make the apple topping.

In a saucepan place the diced apple, walnuts, salt and water and on medium heat, stir until apple is slightly soft. Add in the cinnamon, butter, and maple syrup and stir until melted and combined.

In a glass pot or jar, add in half the mixture of chia mix, then add a layer of the apple mix. Repeat the process, finishing with a layer of apple. Place lid on jar and let set in fridge overnight.

Get creative! Create different layers with different fruit, nut or oat layers! YUM YUM.

Approx 380 calories, 36g protein, 40g carbs, 11g fat.

Enjoy with ❤️ Follow for more on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen


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