Sugar Free Cherry Beetroot Bites

I love these sugar free cherry beetroot bites! To keep it sugar free I’ve used Medicine Flowers, Stevia and Xylitol, which are all safe for people to use who have blood sugar issues or candida.

Medicine Flowers are especially fun to play with as they are cold extracted so a truly raw product, and a true replica flavour of your favourites like Mint, Vanilla, Coconut, Raspberry, Mango, Banana, Cherry and more.

So many options to get creative with sugar free flavours in your diet.

Ingredients (makes approx 60 bite sized slices):

  • 2T caco nibs

  • 3T almond butter

  • pinch cloves

  • 2t cinnamon

  • 1C pecans powdered (see method below)

  • 1C walnuts powdered (see method below)

  • 1C hazelnuts chopped

  • 1C shredded coconut powdered (see method below)

  • 1C desiccated coconut

  • 2T chia seeds

  • 2T coconut oil

  • 1/4C xylitol powdered (see method below)

  • 11/2C shredded beetroot

  • 1/4C irish moss paste (see packet for instructions on how to make paste)

  • 16 drops cherry morello

  • 4-8 drops stevia

  • pinch salt


  1. Place shredded coconut in blender jug, make sure its dry and powder the coconut. Place in a mixing bowl. Do the same for the pecans, walnuts and xylitol. Place in the bowl. Grate the beetroot and place in the mixing bowl. Place all other ingredients in the mixing bowl and stir to combine. I like to get my hands in there and really work it all together nicely. Adjust to taste.

    Press into a cake pan and set in freezer for a few hours then make the sugar free chocolate ganache to splash over the top of it.

  2. Or if you have a dehydrator place in dehydrator for a few hours on 115°F. This makes it taste more like a cake and the wonderful spice flavours develop. Its really nice served with some cashew yoghurt this way :)

Sugar Free Cherry Chocolate Ganache:

Over a double boiler melt 3T cacao powder, 3T coconut oil, pinch of salt, 12 drops of Cherry Morello Medicine Flowers, and 3-6 drops Stevia. Stir until smooth, then with a teaspoon drizzle chocolate over the bites. Place back in freezer to set for 10 minutes. Then cut into bite sized pieces. Serve and enjoy. :)


Soo yummy, filling and hard to believe they are sugar free! Enjoy <3

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