Top 5 Gentle Detox Tips

Green Smoothie

 If you are asking yourself these questions:


– Am I sick of feeling sluggish and bleuch?

– Do I want to lose weight?

– Have more energy?

– Sleep better?

– Have a clear mind and be more emotionally centred?


Then now is the perfect time to pick up some raw recipes and start treating yourself to a little gentle detox.

While you are experimenting with some raw recipes here are some other great gentle detox tips to help you peel off the winter layer:

* Swap breakfast for a green juice or smoothie. Not only do juices and smoothies allow you to consume lots of greens in just one drink, they are readily absorbed into the bloodstream and give your body a breather from digestion, allowing cells to regenerate.

* Cut out the processed or refined foods, wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, coffee, meat. This can be a real challenge for some people as these types of foods are very addictive, but even if you can cut down on these for a week you will notice a huge difference.

* Exercise – work up a sweat! Exercise boosts your immune system and metabolism and sweating releases stored toxins.

* Yoga – detoxifying for the body and the mind. A great stress reliever and if you can do it in a heated room – double whammy on the detoxing as you sweat it out. Plus if you eat raw it will make you more bendy!

* Dry skin brushing. I can’t rate this highly enough. Do every day with a body brush before getting in the shower starting from your toes and brush up towards your heart. Then start at your neck and brush down towards your heart. This stimulates lymph flow and is very detoxifying, plus the added bonus is smooth skin and less cellulite!

These are just a few to get you started, and I will cover off detoxing in a more in-depth article on my blog very soon. I am thinking there might even be a class or two coming up for it!


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