Superfood Cookies

These Superfood Cookies are for those of you who love a naughty cookie, but want a nutritional boost to the body instead of bloat to the waistline.

This is loaded with the good stuff, things like hemp protein, chia seeds, goji berries, flaxseeds, maca and lucuma powder.

These cookies are guaranteed to have you feeling full, and your body bursting with vitamins, minerals and energy.

Superfood Cookies (makes about 20):


  • 2C coconut flour

  • 2T whole flaxseeds

  • 1/2C almonds

  • 2T chia seeds

  • 1T grated ginger

  • 1 dropperful Medicine Flower Vanilla Extract (or normal vanilla essence if you don’t have)

  • 2T hemp protein powder (or other vegan protein powder)

  • 1T maca powder

  • 1T lucuma powder

  • 4T liquid coconut oil
  • 3/4C irish moss paste (see my video here on how to create irish moss paste) If you don’t have irish moss – sift dry ingredients for a lighter finish)
  • pinch himalayan salt
  • 1t cinnamon
  • pinch cardamom
  • 1C powdered xylitol (create by blending Xylitol in a dry blender jug)
  • 1C sesame seeds
  • 1C sunflower seeds
  • 1C medjool dates, soaked 10 mins and rough chop
  • 1/4C goji berries
  • 1C water or more to bring dough mix together


To a food processor, add everything but the coconut flour and goji berries, water. Blitz until a paste forms but its still chunky. Transfer to a bowl and add coconut flour, berries, and water and work with hands until dough forms.

Add more water if needed to prevent dough from cracking. Scoop dough out using a melon baller or ice cream scoop and place on dehydrator tray.

Squish down with a fork to create a cookie shape. Dehydrate at 105°F for approx 18 hours. Transfer to freezer when done for 30 minutes. You can then decorate with chocolate buttons before placing back in freezer for 10 minutes to set chocolate. Serve from freezer or fridge. YUM!

Don’t have a dehydrator yet? No worries you can bake them at 180°C for 10-20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool on a cooling rack before adding chocolate buttons.

Chocolate Buttons:

  • 4T raw cacao

  • 4T coconut nectar

  • 4T coconut oil (melted)

  • pinch salt

  • 6 drops Medicine Flower Vanilla Extract


Whisk ingredients together until combined. Bring cookies out of fridge and dollop chocolate in middle of cookie and pop back on tray and freeze for 10 minutes.  

PS. If you would like to experience what it’s like to go raw for 7 days with easy, no fuss, yummy recipes check out my 7 Day Raw Food Plan here. Meal Plan, recipes, done for you shopping list, bonus recipes, videos and more from  me!

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