Sugar Free Protein Chocolate Mousse

Who doesn’t want a sugar free protein chocolate mousse? Finally, a totally guilt free treat! Loaded with good fats and vegan protein, this sugar free treat is guaranteed to satisfy those pesky cravings and keep you full for ages!

You can have this treat for breakfast, dessert or anything in between. :)

Makes approx 4 serves:


Combine all ingredients (except garnish ingredients) in a blender and blend until smooth. Adjust to taste.

Grab a glass jar and place a sprinkle of buckwheat crunchies in the bottom, then a dollop of coconut yoghurt. Add some fresh raspberries, then a layer of sugar free protein chocolate mousse. Then repeat layering process finishing with a layer of fresh raspberries and a layer of buckwheat crunchies to garnish.

One word: Yummmmmmmmm!

PPS. Want a copy of The Raw Food Kitchen Book so you have your very own hard copy recipe book to start making rawsome recipes from? Grab your copy here!

PPS. If you would like to experience what its like to live the raw vegan lifestyle, detox and gain more energy in just 7 Days try my 7 Day Raw Food Plan! 

All recipes, meal plan shopping lists, videos & bonus material, plus our community on the private Facebook Group page included,

Pssssst. Don’t tell anyone but I have a more sweet and naughty version of a Raspberry Choc Mousse! Check it out here.


With love from Amanda and The Raw Food Kitchen <3

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