5 Day Juice Fast | Day 3 Video Diary

Day 3 of the juice fast video diary, Amanda from The Raw Food Kitchen is not feeling great today, detox is kicking in, and has struggled having to do errands in a shopping mall surrounded by food!

In this video she also gives some great tips and tricks for staying strong on Days 3 and 4 of the juice fast which can be the hardest days for some, and imparts the importance of positive visualisation which is covered off in more detail in her 10 Steps For Raw Success eBook.

Plus in this video there is also a great tip for juicing at night.

If you are on a juice fast and are maybe struggling to stick to your goal and know that you want to go fully raw soon but are not sure where to start or how to make your transition to raw successful, then 10 Steps For Raw Success is for you!

Inside this informative eBook are some key steps to help you align yourself with your true intention so that you can make your raw journey a success and can begin to have more radiance, vitality and energy than ever before and forever!

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