Salted Caramel Keto Pecan Fat Bombs

I’ve been experimenting with these Salted Caramel Keto Pecan Fat Bombs, as they are a concentrated treat of healthy fats that are filling and perfect for those on a gut healing journey, need to avoid sugar, or on a keto diet.

Instead of reaching for a sweet treat – try these instead, they are sure to kill cravings and keep you feeling full. Plus they taste a bit like a mini Magnum!

Cutting out refined chocolate and sweet treats and increasing good fats helps reduce inflammation, and cravings, and helps keep you longer in ketosis.

If you are curious to know more about my current health journey check out my blog Breast Implant Illness – Is It Real?

And yes I’m still primarily plant based, but lots more good fats and protein in this current experiment. :)

Ingredients (makes approx 6-8):

  • 2T almond butter

  • 1C coconut butter

  • 8 drops Vanilla Stevia

  • 8 drops Medicine Flower Caramel or Butterscotch Extract – OR

  • 1t mesquite powder

  • 3T raw cacoa powder

  • Chopped pecans to put in bottom of ice cube tray
  • pinch salt

  • To garnish: Drizzle with chocolate sauce: 2T raw cacao powder, 2T coconut oil, 3 drops stevia, pinch salt, all blended.


Place all ingredients in blender except for cacao powder and chopped pecans.

Blend until smooth. Pour out half the mixture into a bowl. With the remaining half in the blender add the cacao powder. Blend until smooth. Adjust to taste. Pour into ice cube trays that have been lined with the chopped pecans and fill to 3/4 fill. Set in freezer for 10 minutes until firm.

Remove from freezer and pour the original half mix on top to finish off so you have a nice two tone layer. Freeze for 10 minutes.

Pop out of the ice cube tray and drizzle with chocolate. Freeze again for 10 minutes before serving.

Warning! One is all you need. :)

PS. Ready to heal your gut issues for good? Check out my 4 week Gut Makeover Program. I guide you every step of the way so you can heal, seal & love your gut again in 4 easy steps using the Scene, Clean, Seed, Feed principles.

Tummy rumbling?! For more information about why I created the Gut Makeover Program, check out my video here!

Much raw love! <3