Who Is This 4 Week Gut Makeover Program For?
- You're ready to say goodbye to the skin issues, flat moods, gas & bloating for good.
- You're done with feeling ick every time you eat!
- You're ready to heal your Leaky Gut, IBS or Candida and will do whatever it takes.
- You're so ready to eat well to feel well with specific nourishing gut healing recipes.
- You are 100% committed & focused to healing your gut but need some guidance & support to do so.
- You're ready to make plant based foods your foundation & know that to optimise the benefits you must optimise your gut first.
Why Do This Powerful 4 Week Gut Makeover Program

I know you want to be able to digest food without getting a bloated tummy and you’re frustrated that you’re not losing weight despite trying everything.
You’re sick of waking up feeling tired, having flat moods, food cravings, and unsatisfactory toilet trips.
You may have Candida, IBS, or Leaky Gut and you are frustrated it’s not going away.
You sooo want to just be normal again!
Becoming a healthy, happy human being starts with healing your gut.
You’ll be pleased to know that transformation can happen with all that you’ll journey on with me in this 4 Week Gut Makeover Program.
By the end of the 4 Week journey you’ll have experienced a profound shift in your health, with improved digestion, increased energy, and easy weight loss.
Imagine how you’ll feel mentally, physically free from bloat, discomfort and a backed up, toxic colon, able to digest food, feeling happy and well every day.
Hear From My Gut Loving Tribe...
"Amanda presents all the information so well it felt easy to intro my diet into fermenting and gut healing."
I can't eat dairy or gluten so knowing what healthy swaps I can make, along with knowing how to ferment plant based foods for my gut is a God send!"
"Great healthy food, & know how. Loved the secret food combo's & ferment tricks. I learnt a lot. Thanks Amanda I look forward to having a healthy tum!"
How the 4 Week Gut Makeover Program Works...

• Each week I guide you step by step into unique gut healing protocols.
• Week 1 is SCENE – this is where we set the scene for your journey. Your mindset, your kitchen – pantry staples, make ahead recipes, and easy dietary swaps to get you started.
• Week 2 is CLEAN – this week we focus on removing gut irritating foods, introduce gut soothing & healing herbs, as well eating delicious gut soothing meals.
Cleaning your colon of toxicity & pathogens is key here so good bacteria can have a nice clean home to thrive in.
• Week 3 is SEED – this is where we start to seed your colon with fermented foods, probiotics, specific herbs and healing foods so good bacteria can start to colonise in their nice clean home.
This is where we dive deep into trusting our bodies detox process as the war between good and bad bacteria kicks in.
This week is also the week where you may experience a profound shift & upgrade in your gut healing journey.
Remember to reach out for support at any time on our Private Facebook Group Page or chat to my Gut Health Expert.

• Week 4 is FEED – we continue to nourish all the good bacteria with gut loving plant based foods, as well as continue with gut soothing protocols.
This week you can start to experience what it feels like to have a strong healthy gut, better digestion, better poop, more energy and improved moods.
• PS. Once you purchase the Program you have it for life so you can revisit or continue your gut love affair beyond our 4 weeks together!
Hear From More Gut Lovers...
"I've just started a dairy / wheat free diet for hormonal reasons and now I'm confident I can make the plant based ferments easily at home, and get on the gut healing journey."
"Fantastic, informative sessions, where you not only get to know what foods benefit your gut, but you are shown how to make them."
"I'm just in love with the Sauerkraut! And so easy to make!"
Join the 4 Week Gut Makeover Program and You Receive...
Weekly Modules for your Scene, Clean, Seed, Feed, Journey
All Recipes, Meal Plans, Shopping Lists for Each Week
Instructional Videos From Me
Gut Health Expert
Private Facebook Group Page
Weekly Support Emails From Me To Help Keep You On Track
Meditation File To Help Soothe You In Stressful Times
Digestion Questionnaire & Weekly Check In Sheet So You Don't Miss A Thing
Bonus Recipes & Elixrs For Gut Healing Goodness
Fermented Foods Recipe Section & 'How To' Recipe Videos
For Gut's Sake Join Our 4 Week Gut Makeover Program Today!

If you’re ready to heal from Candida, Leaky Gut, IBS, poor digestion and be jumping for joy again, join us now!
I’ll be guiding and supporting you through this amazing transformational 4 Week Gut Makeover Program with tools, ‘know how’, fermented recipes, gut loving recipes & herbs, and more so you can experience what it can feel like to have optimal gut health, be digesting well, eating well and feeling well. Not just for the 4 weeks but for LIFE.
* Love & Heal Your Gut In 4 Simple Steps *
More from my Gut Loving Tribe...
"I was amazed at how easy everything was to make, and I love now knowing what's required in my diet for a strong healthy gut"
"Simple, easy techniques to help improve gut health. Super yummy, great food! Thanks Amanda!"
"Amazing to discover how powerful fermented foods are for healing."
How to grab your spot for the Gut Makeover Program

• To purchase, simply click on one of the big green buttons on this page and you will be taken to the checkout page. Pop in your details and click the button to purchase.
• Once purchased, you’ll receive a Welcome Email from me (so keep an eye out in your InBox. And for Gmail users, check your other folders & spam).
• In the Welcome Email will be the link to access your Member area and a link to request to join the private Facebook Group Page.
• Once you are set up in your Member Area you can access Week 1 – SCENE so you can start getting prepared for our time together. Make sure you watch the Welcome Video from me, as well as download the files so you can start getting prepared.
• Each Week will be revealed to you just before the Week prior is up so you have time to access the files and get ready for your next week ahead.
• You’ll have lifetime access to the Member Area so you can simply log in to refresh or revisit the 4 Week Gut Makeover Program anytime you like.
Scene, Clean, Seed, Feed - 4 Simple Steps To Gut Health.
In this Program you receive Weekly modules online with gut soothing Recipes, Meal Plan, Shopping Lists, Pantry & Supplement Staples List, Educational Sections, Bonus Recipes, Fermented Recipes, Weekly Videos & Recipe Videos, a Gut Health Expert, access to a private Group Facebook Page & Weekly Support Emails from me.
In this Program we guide you how to eliminate gut irritating and inflammatory foods first and foremost. Each week we take you on a journey of the SCENE, CLEAN, SEED, FEED principles. Think of it like building a strong foundation for a nice strong house. We are creating, together, the right foundations in your gut to create a strong healthy gut & immune system over our 4 weeks together.
We do this with clearing out any toxicity, and adding in specific pro-biotics, gut healing herbs, specific gut healing recipes & supplements, & other gut healing protocols in a unique way.
If you are currently experiencing a flare up, seek the advice of your your Naturopath or Functional Medicine Doctor before embarking on a new treatment protocol. You may need to follow your existing protocol to get your flare up under control before embarking on the Program.
Yes. However, if you have diagnosed SIBO or Candida you will know what foods/ingredients to avoid or substitute so please adhere to this for the recipes in the Program.
Most of the recipes in this Program are low sugar or sugar free and gut loving. All the recipes are gluten and dairy free.
Always seek the advice of your your Naturopath or Functional Medicine Doctor before embarking on a new treatment protocol.
Yes! We offer bone broths, chicken soup and a few other animal protein dishes. We do however always encourage you to be primarily plant based so you will find the majority of recipes in the Program are vegan.
Yes! We have a vegan option for "bone broths". You will find the majority of recipes in the Program are vegan.
We advise to go slowly if you wish to try this Program while breastfeeding or pregnant. As you may experience detox reactions or "die-off" as the good bacteria come back into balance. We recommend you seek advice of your Naturopath or Functional Medicine Doctor beforehand. This Program would make a great pre-conception Program however.
Yes! A one off fee - and once purchased, you have the Program for life.
When you purchase you will receive a link via email to access your membership area, where all the Weekly modules are kept for your easy access.
Each new week will be available to you as the week you are on draws to a close.
We do recommend you download any downloadable files to your desktop for safekeeping though.
It's lifetime access.
You can experience healing or improvement of Leaky Gut, Candida, IBD, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, skin issues, joint pain, be at your optimal weight, less bloat & gas, more energy, better digestion, improved immune function, lessening of auto-immune issues.
Your grocery cost once you have your pantry staples & supplements shouldn't be much different to what you normally pay for if you are used to shopping for vegetables & maybe some meat. With the supplements shopping list, it is advisable to purchase all that is required to give your body the best chance at healing on this Program, however if you are on a budget we recommend you limit your purchases to the pro-biotics, and a select few gut healing herbs such as Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera, L-Glutamine & enema kit.
Yes! Once you purchase, you will receive a Welcome Email. In that email will be a link where you can join the Gut Makeover Program Facebook Group, meet your tribe and use that platform for support, and ask questions.
Yes. It is recommended you print out your weekly modules, as you can keep track of your progress with the check in sheets, take your recipes to the kitchen with you, and the shopping list shopping with you.