Cashew Cheese Recipe

This Cashew Cheese Recipe Is The New Brie!

This Cashew Cheese Recipe saved my ass when I was healing from systemic candida and trying to stop my dairy addiction – as all dairy feeds candida and other pathogens so it had to go from my diet.

I am the first one to put my hand up that I could sit in front of a cheese plate and devour the whole lot. And then feel sick. Physically. And sick with regret.

With this cashew cheese recipe I can literally do the same and not feel one smidge of sick. Eating cheese that is healing rather than harming is a game changer for the body. And mind.

So give this one a go and make it a game changer in your life too.


  • 11/2C cashews soaked 20 mins, drained

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 2T ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • 1T shiro miso

  • 1/4C filtered water

  • pinch salt

  • 2 capsules pro-biotics – make sure it has lactobacillus acidophilus in them

  • 2T nutritional yeast

  • You will also need a high powdered blender with a tamper or pounder to help work the ingredients.


Add cashews and all ingredients to the blender. (Break open capsules to put the pro-biotics in).

The trick here is not to add too much water.

You want enough water in there just to cover the blades in the blender jug. As we don’t want a runny cheese. If you make this mistake, add more cashews and blend again.

As the mix will be thick and you don’t want to add any more water here, you are also going to need a tamper or pounder to work the ingredients inside the blender jug to get smoothness.

Once you have that, pour the mix into a prepared bowl with strainer over it and cheese cloth.

Once the mix is in the cheesecloth, gather edges together and tie all up with a rubber band.

You can cover in cling wrap and let it sit on bench for 48 hours to ferment.

After this time, transfer to fridge to let it set up for 24 hours.

Now, at this stage you can either transfer to a container and use this cheese like a cheese spread for when needed or if you have a dehydrator place in the dehydrator for 24 hours at 44°C to help it form a nice crust, this is my fave way of serving it as it reminds me of Brie, a lovely crust or rind while the middle is nice and gooey. (Is that a word?!).

You could also do this in the oven at a low temp (below 50°C).

Serve on a cheese platter with your favourite condiments and flavours.

Will keep in the fridge for weeks. Remember it’s loaded with tons of good bacteria so super shelf stable. Oh and did I forget to mention it’s super cheesy tasty, tangy.

Enjoy with ❤️

Find me on Instagram @therawfoodkitchen

If you are ready to heal your gut in 4 easy steps, check out my 4 Week Gut Makeover Program.

Ready to start fermenting the fail safe way?

Check out my Complete Fermentation Starter Kit, it has everything you need to get started fermenting safely with airlock lids with handy date dial timers, a pump to extract oxygen via the lids, sticker sheet, PLUS mason jars included!

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