5 Day Juice Fast | Day 5 Video Diary

Amanda from The Raw Food Kitchen is excited and elated not just for making it to Day 5 of the 5 Day Juice Fast, but is happy to report her energy has returned, and is feeling great emotionally and physically. Plus she gives a big shout out and congratulations to all of those who joined her online for this 5 Day Epic Juice Fast Challenge.

She describes how she struggled through Day 3 & 4 and nearly slices a finger off prepping for a class on Day 4 with a serious case of detox brain.

She also talks about how now is a good time to make some permanent positive changes to your diet by incorporating more raw foods and cutting out or cutting down on meat, dairy, wheat, processed foods and sugar.

Plus now that this is the last day of the juice fast, the next few days will be about transitioning in getting back to a normal (healthy) diet and stresses the importance of having light foods during this time.

For more info on Juice Fasts check out her blog:


If you are interested in becoming raw and want to make a successful transition from your current diet to a raw diet, or wish to start trying out some yummy raw recipes The Raw Food Kitchen has some great eBooks for you:


Or if you live in Sydney, Australia and would like to book a class check out the Home page of the website for upcoming classes:


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